Lecturer Erika Grossmann, contact person, and staff at the Institute of Minority Languages, Department of German as Minority Language took part at several Comenius and ERASMUS+ (KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education) projects, dealing with gender, discrimination and LGBT topics, in combination with teacher training and methodology issues. Together with eight international universities and schools “EDucational and GEnder” (2011-2014), and Homo’poly (2016-2019) focused on the issue of discrimination due to gender and sex. The Department of German as Minority Language also focuses on minority issues, laws, challenges and possibilities of preventing (and reducing) discrimination. Prof. Dr. habil. Éva Farkas, since 2019 member of The International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame is an expertise in andragogy, and is specialized in adult and senior education in Hungary and Eastern Europe. The Professor is also specialized in the problems of social and economic context of adult and elderly education. Lecturer Dóra Hangya is holding courses at the Department of Adult Education in: diversity management, disadvantaged groups in the labor market, rehabilitation, employment of elderly persons and people with disabilities, and is specialised in social andragogy of elderly people. Selected publications of the expertise in English: Farkas, É. (2018). Structural and Content Transformation of the Vocational Training System in Hungary after 2010. In: Mafalda, Carmo; Mafalda, Carmo (szerk.) Education and New Developments 2018. InScience Press (2018) (pp. 65-69). Farkas, É. (2015). Financing the adult education system in Hungary. In: Németh, B. (szerk.) Research and Development in Adult Learning and Education in Hungary, Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes e. V. (IIZ/DVV) (pp. 42-51). Grossmann, E. (2013). Gender-equitable Education and Training in Hungary. In: Holz, O., Shelton, F.: EDucation and GEnder. Gender-specific Education in Different Countries. Waxmann: Münster/New York/München/Berlin. (pp.85-93). Grossmann, E. (2018). The Inconvenient Situation of the LGB Community in Hungary. In: De Witte, K., Holz, O., Geunis, L. (eds.): Somewhere over the Rainbows. Waxmann: Münster, New York. (pp. 77-91). Hangya, D. (2011). Questions of Equal Opportunities in Adult Education. Legal Obligation vs. Practice. 7th Hungarian National and International Lifelong Learning Conference. The Role of the Hungarian Higher Education in Achieving the Knowledge Triangle (Education-Research-Innovation). The Europe 2020 and the Education-Training 2020 Strategies, Veszprém. (pp. 178-182). Hangya, D. (2013). Mentoring Experiences of Disadvantaged Target Groups. Characteristics of Adult Training for the Disadvantaged and the Elderly. SZTE JGYPK: Szeged.
E-mail; "Erika Grossmann" [email protected]