Dr. Burak Amirak, has 30 years in leveraging the value of consumer (B2C) and corporate (B2B) brands in diversified categories via PR & corporate communications and corporate brand management. He has served many local and multinational product and corporate brands. Moreover, he has been actively engaged in some lectures to raise awareness of the importance of communications. Lecturing on communication between X and Y generations at ‘Refresh University’ a project where several universities (Ege, Akdeniz (https://tazelenme.com/), etc.) which hold seminars for elders. Also Mr. Amirak has strong relations with Bodrum Life Foundation (https://bodrumyasamvakfi.com/) with ‘the primary purpose to provide healthy, happy, social and most importantly productive lives until the last days of vigorous elderly people and to ensure their lives by creating added value without burdening anyone’.