This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

It is expected to create the five outputs of the project on its completion:

Output-1 The first output of the project is “Ageism: Descriptive and Comparative Analysis”. Within the scope of this output a publication which will include a holistic data from all partner countries will be produced. This output will contain country contexts on aging and ageism, literature review on ageism, ageism statistics and methodology.

Output-2 The second output planned to be obtained is to prepare a training package for elderly to promote active aging. At this point, a training plan will be prepared in cooperation with the project partners. In order to implement this output, a common training module will be prepared that can be put into practice in all foreign partner countries. To evaluate the results of these trainings, a pre-test and post-test will be conducted in all partner countries.

Output-3 To shoot a documentary is planned as the third output of the project. Within this documentary, the process of the project will be reflected in detail from the beginning to the end. From the local gatherings to the international meetings, videographic and visual data of all the preparation process will be collected for this documentary. Beside the preparation process, this documentary will also contain the processes of educations, depth interviews with elderly, rest home visits made, etc. The documentary output is planned to be the publicity output of the project.

Output-4 The fourth output of the project is to create a digital memory. Within the scope of the digital memory platform; in-depth interviews will be made with elderly individuals about their memories and objects or photographs that connect them to the past Oral history data will be collected, organized and constructed. These meetings will also focus on how aging and age discrimination make them feel, after which this platform will be presented to users on the project website.

Output-5 The last output of the project is to provide a toolkit for elderly education for CECs in order to reintegrate older people into society, to increase their happiness and facilitate their communication with other age groups. With the creation of this toolkit for CECs, awareness will be raised on ageism and efforts will be made to eliminate this discrimination. In this way, it is aimed to prevent the isolation of older people from the social sphere and to increase their visibility in the public sphere.