Prof. Dr. Nesrin Oruç Ertürk is currently working at İzmir University of Economics where she is lecturing English Language at undergraduate level at the School of Foreign Languages. At the same time, she is the director of EKOSEM (Izmir University of Economics, Continuous Education Center). Her main interest areas are Lifelong Learning, teacher training, and second language acquisition. She has published three books and has many articles. She has carried research and taught abroad in departments of linguistics at different universities (State University of New York, SUNY, USA; Universidad de Alcala, Spain).
Working in the field of teacher education for more than 20 years, Prof. Dr. Oruç Ertürk has participated in many national and international projects, where she has worked either as a coordinator or a researcher to enhance the quality of teachers and teaching in Turkey. She is mainly interested in equipping teachers with the necessary competence in equality and diversity so that they promote a learning environment that is conducive to learning. Dedicated to train 21st century teachers with necessary skills and learner characteristics, she is now working on developing a new certificate program for ELT teachers named “Learning Teachers: An In-service Training Program for ELT Teachers”,
She has the network and the ability to create funds for different projects and has been awarded by US Department of State, Federal Assistance Award three times with her projects named: “Safe Internet Strategies for Students in Izmir”, “Teaching English to Young Learners through Stories”, and “Educate and Empower Girls So They Can Stand Up Against Violence”. Apart from these, Prof. Oruç Ertürk, has completed two EU projects successfully and she has worked as an advisor for “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)” for projects such as “GASGİD: Designing a Virtual English Test for Maritime Personnel”.
Nesrin Oruç Ertürk:
- 2020Oruç Ertürk, N. The development and construction of teacher professional identity: A case study on beliefs towards teaching. Başkent University Journal of Education (BUJE). In Press.
- 2019Oruç Ertürk, N. & Çetinkaya, Y. Mentors and Mentees in the Context of Curriculum Reform: An Example from Turkey. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. In Press.
- 2019Oruç Ertürk, N. Teaching to the ‘other’: Comparative perspectives of Netherlander and Turkish teachers’ attitudes on gender identity. EDUCAR em Revista. 35(75), p. 265-282.2017 Mumford, S. & Oruç Ertürk, N. Understanding test-takers’ perception of difficulty in EAP vocabulary tests: the role of experiential factors. Language Testing, 34(3), 413-433.
- 2014 Oruç Ertürk, N., Gün, B. & Kaynardağ, A. Exploring Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Development in Turkish Context. Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 12. Issue: 4. 19-33.
- 2014 Oruç Ertürk, N. The Feminization of Schooling: Is Primary Education Really a Woman’s World? The Teacher. No: 2 116. ISSN 1644-2059.
- 2013 Oruç Ertürk, N. The role of altruism in the motivation of language teachers in Turkey. EKEV Akademi Dergisi. Yıl: 17 Sayı: 54. 173-186.
- 2013 Oruç Ertürk, N. Effects of visually enhanced input, input processing and pushed output on grammar teaching. Porta Linguarum. Issue: 20. 153-167.
- 2011 Oruç, N. Disruptive Behaviors: The Conception and Reaction of Instructors in Higher Education. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 43, 188-202.
- 2011 Oruç, N. The Perception of Teaching as a Profession by Turkish Trainee Teachers: Attitudes towards Being a Teacher. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol.1 No.4. 83-87. ISSN 2220-8488 (Print) 2221-0989 (Online)
- 2018 De Witte, K., Holz, O., Geunis, L. (eds.) Being Different is not Easy in Turkey. In Somewhere over the Rainbow. Münster, Germany: Waxmann. ISBN 978-3-8309-3747-0
- 2013 Holz, O. & Shelton, F. (eds.) Gender and Education in Turkey. In “EDucation and GEnder: Gender-specific education in different countries. Historical aspects - current trends”. Münster, Germany: Waxmann. ISBN 978-3-8309-2868-3